Next project - is done

Hey community, the next project is starting now. It will be a website for a personal Coach.

This is an unfinished website! I would like to have your opinion to the design. What do you think about the complete design? Do you have more ideas?

The font family, the color and some images are specified by the customer. Thanks for your feedback.


Beautifully designed! :smile:

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I really like the colors. It’s something different. I like the font selection, it fits the site.

The images are all pretty good. I know you’re obligated to use some of them. I think the home page carousel images are the perfect height. Maybe try cropping the other pages with the header images to the same height as the home page. I think there’s room, it would add to the consistency of the images on every page. Sorry, you know me and images! :rofl:

Really nice site. Your client should be happy.


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Looking good.

The three panels at the bottom have text as images. Would be good if they had real text.

I like the angled bits, makes sense for the subject of ‘personal Coach’ creating movement, motion, progress, etc…great colors too…

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So the work is done and the website is online now.


Wieder eine tolle Seite - was ich besonders mag, ist die Leichtigkeit. Als ob man schwebt!
Der Link unten zu HOMEPAGE EINS fĂźhrt noch nicht auf Deine Seite, sondern nur auf die Startseite.

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Danke fĂźr den Hinweis.

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The quotes are not quite correct yet (cool side)

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“Bianca Künzler (Floristin in Aesch, Oberwil, Basel)” ist zweimal unter Team zu finden.

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Thanks for your feedback. But the page is for testing only. You can find the actual website here:

Beautifully executed, as always

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