October CMS - export does not work

Hey Norm!

I exported my project to a October CMS file, but somehow it is corrupt. If I create a new blocs template, it works.

I must admit, I have absolutely no clue, what is wrong.

I have to add that none of the blocs exported files work. New files are recognised by October CMS but if I klick activate a error message comes up. Downloaded themes do work on the server as also the demo file.

I’ll look into this, it may be caused by a change to October. Post a note into support and I’ll take over from there as I may need some set up details.

@Norm I did, thanks for your help!

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Hey Marc, this was caused by a return character in your templates description, I’ll put something in the next release of Blocs to check for that in future. I’ll contact you directly and let you know were its located in your current template.

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@Norm, it worked. Thank you! Just two more things:

  1. Mail / the contact form does not work anymore

  2. color of text changes if I covert it into a October CMS file (I attached pictures)


ORIGINAL (ignore the second button, it’s a screenshot from within Blocs)

If you export to basic HTML do you get the text colour issue?

No, if I export it to basic HTML it works fine

Ok cool, leave it with me and keep your file links live on DB so I can take a look when I’m back in the office.

@Norm any progress fixing the contact form problem?

not yet, hopefully I should have some news tomorrow.

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Still working on this.

Okay, thank your @Norm !

Any progress so far? @Norm

A little, I’m hoping to have something in place for this weeks 2.3.2 beta. Sorry for the delay.

After many hours of trying to figure this out it appears there is no way to do this with the code that Blocs currently creates. Im going to have to look at an alternative Form posting script for use with October CMS so this may take a while to test and figure out.

In the meantime I have created this knowledge base post that offers a manual work around. It’s relatively straight forward but does require a little hard coding (not meaning complex but meaning rigid), which is not ideal.

So apologies again that this isn’t as simple as I want it to be, but I will continue to look for a permanent solution.

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Oh I did not see that, weird. Didn’t get a notification! But doesn’t matter now…

Thank you @Norm for caring about our problems - as always! :grinning:

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