Ordered List in List Bric

Ordered list in the list bric would be super nice. Right now, as best as I can tell, in order to create one you must use the HTML Bric and code it, and if you want any links or other elements in the ol, you have to code that too!

I agree. This is also a wish of mine. At the moment, Blocs has a Bric for adding lists. This Bric seems to have been designed to add things like navigation items/lists.

The workflow using this Bric to add ordered/unordered lists as normal text in content is way to cumbersome and time consuming.

My wish is to be able to add unordered lists to text content in a fast, easy way.

See screenshot for a suggestion …

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Is there any plan as to when Blocs will start using ordered & unordered lists in HTML??

  1. Even in this editor here there are ordered lists
  • You can even nest them
  1. Blocs can’t do this
  2. At least without LOTS of painstaking CSS styling

Bootstrap 4 offers unstyled lists: Typography · Bootstrap
HTML Lists

This exists in Blocsapp 3 as a List bric, with 3 options: dot, number, none
Not sure what Version of Blocsapp 3 it was introduced in, but its super easy to use. Place a List bric, and select the style in the right side ‘APPEARANCE’ setting

If you want to use the HTML widget, you can place your own code in it, or use the free Markdown bric found in the Store…

Yes, there is a List Bric. It’s kludgy as is it right now. Note the top of the reply editor on the forum?
Both unordered and ordered lists as options.

The current List Bric does let you select unordered or ordered, and the number of items, but then you need to go add in a paragraph to each list item container for the most common case.

Perhaps another List Bric already assuming you want to use it as a text list would help here to make for less clicking to simply add a text ordered or unordered list. I’d love to see this…

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I agree, it could be more ‘automated’ in regards to any user’s preference for any case use. It was a recently added bric, it was not in Blocs 2…so hopefully it will be developed further.

The Bric library really gives you a great selection of foundational brics to get you started and which you build on.
The list bric can be populated manually or with a menu from the menu system. You might want to add h3 or h4 elements plus a paragraph to a list item, that’s the beautify of the way the list bric works. And why the raw bric gives you list item spaces to drop content into.

As you build these things up, add them to your Bloc Library, then you can easily add them to any page or project again and again.
