<?php echo $var> in URL

Hello - I am trying to set a button that will navigate to a URL.

The URL I would like to set is:
https://www.google.com/?var1=<?php echo $var1 ?>&var2=<?php echo $var2>

Upon export the, the result is:
<a href="https://www.google.com/?var1=&lt;?php echo $var1 ?>&amp;var2=&lt;?php echo $var2>" class="btn btn-lg w-100 btn-c-7231 btn-play-style " name="submit" value="submit">&amp;var2=<?php echo $var2-->" target="_blank">BUTTON</a>

What I am expecting is:
<a href="https://www.google.com/?var1=<?php echo $var1 ?>&var2=<?php echo $var2>" class="btn btn-lg w-100 btn-c-7231 btn-play-style " name="submit" value="submit" target="_blank">BUTTON</a>

Any suggestions on avoiding the encoding and the extra stuff after “value=submit” when saving/exporting?

  • J