Pics are disappearing

Hi everybody!

When I drag an image file from the asset manager to a bloc as background image the canvas stays white. it shows in the preview thumb and in the preview window. when I close the project and reopen it, the image shows.

same when I change a picture.

any guess?

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How are you naming your assets?

I.e. team-hero.jpg

I deleted and reinstalled blocs but the problem remains: When I choose a picture file from the asset manager i only get a blank space where the file should appear.

I close the project, open it again: the picture appears on the page.

Could you please try the following:

• Create a new project.
• Add a Bloc.
• Add an image to the Asset Manager and drag it to a Bloc background.

Do you get the same results?

Aaaaah, I know the issue now!

Picture files only disapear when they are linked. when I embed them they react regularly.

I tested with an old and a new project. Same reaction.


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Not a bug more a limitation of Blocs on MacOS.

If you are using linked assets and your Mac has multiple HDs you may get this issue. Assets need to be loaded from the same HD as the OS is installed on.

Are you using multiple HDs in your Mac?

Guilty! :slight_smile:

Ok, now I know. Thanks a lot! Originally I had my projects on the Mac OS HD but moved it later to another one…

Hello Norm,
so this means I have to save all my projects on the HD of Mac OS or embed them in the file.
This coul sum up to quit a amount of storage

The best workflow for working between devices such as Macs and iPads is to embed the assets or link to them on a hosted server.

If you are working on a single device you can use a linked asset workflow if that best suits your needs but its recommended you use the Master HD for the assets/projects rather than an external one as this can create broken resources links when the HD is detached or renamed etc.