Possibility to apply Scroll FX on current viewports

Correct me if I am wrong but this seems not possible ATM so adding it to Wishlist.

The (great) Scroll FX seem to apply always, so if you have a scroll-out effect that looks great on a LG screen, but looks bad on a SM or XS screen, then I seem to be not able to just deactivate the effect on those screens

Please let me know if I am wrong, perhaps I still miss something.

This would be really great for example when you have 3 columns on LG which stack on SM and XS, and those have a scroll out effect of (left column) scroll out left, (middle column) scroll out up, (right column) scroll out right.
This looks amazing on a LG screen where those cols are inline, but it does not look fine when the columns stack

I saw there is a site wide setting for “disable effects on SM and XS” but it does not seem to apply to those FXs, rather probably this is only intended for the “Loader”, if I am not wrong.

(last post for today I promise :slight_smile: )

There is a custom bric called Scroll FX Extras from @Whittfield that offers a lot more flexibility on scroll issues Scroll FX Extras | Blocs Store

I purchased it a while back but embarrassed to say I haven’t used it as yet. I’ll be rebuilding my own site once BS5 ships, so I am sure it will see some use then.


Hi @smileBeda,

I hope I am correct , but I just disable it here in the project settings.
Most things you are looking for will be there or can be done, just time to find them.

I still have to stop and think !!! but after time its all natural to find things.

I have Scroll FX Extras and I will say its a very very good bric !!!

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Indeed, that is the setting I used - however, the FX I applied still happen on all screens, inclusive SM and XS.

So that setting is supposed to kill all effects on the SM and XS sizes?
Then either I have again some unique bug in my setup or it is perhaps a error I should report?


One way if you’re in a pinch is making a 2nd Bloc with no animation specifically for the small breakpoint and hide it for larger breakpoints. Next hide the animated Bloc on small breakpoints.

Scroll FX Extras doesn’t have per breakpoint settings either. But it’s rather friendly across all breakpoints which might be what you need. Is it that the animation starts too late for you on mobile by chance?


Right! Good old BS classes can help with that, did not even think about this possibility.

I also just read on the App suggested by @Flashman that it has the Ability to disable for phone, tablet or both., so I guess the setting mentioned by @AdieJAM (and used by me) is really just intended for the loader (?), as otherwise probably the add-on would not have to offer that specific feature.
Not directly a breakpoint setting but better than nothing and probably enough to resolve this.

I will try to achieve this first with the conditionally shown blocs. A bit “crazy” thinking I have (too) many FXs on that page - perhaps time to remove a few, I just really started enjoying the nice FXs and probably used too many :rofl:
Too much is also not good, so I will revisit what I really need, and perhaps then hide them with BS classes on bloc level.

Thanks, and I think we can keep this on the Wishlist :stuck_out_tongue:

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Want to hear something funny? I completely forgot I added that.

I had to go to my own product page to verify it. :rofl:

Anyway, the feature uses device detection not breakpoints. Even emulators may not work for testing.

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