Preset breakpoints iPad landscape

Hello folks,
With the preset breakpoints, I miss the iPad sideways. Can I put them on myself so that they are already in place at the top? Unfortunately, my pages don’t run sideways on the iPad.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-05-03 um 14.38.41

Unless you’ve set you iPad to always display in portrait mode, turning your iPad to landscape will simply display the most suitable version of the site to suit the screen resolution (usually the desktop version).

The reason is that with this format the navigation does not decrease across the width of the window and it is very difficult for me to make changes there. Blocs won’t do it. (Also colors, sizes etc. - whether via xnavi or in the basic settings) I had to make do to reduce the font size - but it is now too small on the desktop version.

Blocs 6 still has preview and viewport issues.

I can’t edit my Blocs website on an iPad landscape viewport and Blocs doesn’t generate the right code to make the pages properly fit on an iPad in landscape mode.

I don’t know what to do. I didn’t have this problem with Bloc 5.