Problem in Menu's - SOLVED


I have some troubles in the Menu Manager. Is is correct that a menuname as Photo’s not correct works? If I change it in Photos then it have no problems. Anyone?

Thanx in advance,


File names can’t contain the apostrophe character, use the SEO page title for that (’).

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Hello @Geert,

It is correct, the manager of the menu does not allow you to include pages with apostrophe (let’s talk!) But neither does it allow you to show signs of admiration. I think it would be interesting to find a way to establish these names visually, even if the final file / creation link does not take it.

Well, as mentioned by @Norm, it is true that at the SEO level, URLs should not carry apostrophes or other signs.

What I do to include them is to manually edit the menu, although it would not be 100% recommended.

I hope I’ve helped,

Dreamsur :surfing_man:

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