Regular crashes in Blocs 6.0.8

@Norm I’m experiencing very frequent crashes in the latest version of Blocs 6, so much so that it is making the app unusable. Its worth mentioning I never had this happen in Blocs 5.
Can you please help.

Richard Bailey

If you revert back to v6.0.7 (Download here) do you get the same crashes?

Typically when do you see the crash, which tasks?

• Editing text.
• Adding Images.
• Searching Bric or Bloc Bars.
• Editing Styles.
• Previewing.

@Norm I’ll try downgrading to v6.0.7 . The crashes happen randomly with various tasks so its difficult to pinpoint any one thing.

Ok I’ll check back.

Any updates on this? I don’t want to update to 6.0.8 without knowing. :smiley:

Is anyone else running into problems?

I’m having this same issue. Do you want the crash logs?

If you could report the issue here please with any details/steps to reproduce issue.

Thank you.

Hi Norm,

I’ve tried to send the crash logs via your link, but I think it might be to do with Sequoia as I don’t appear to experience the same issue with my M1 Mac on Ventura.

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Thanks to @Bazza720 we found a nasty crashing bug with the Bloc Bar which has now been fixed in Blocs v6.0.10.

@pixelarte let me know if that helps.