Some questions on optimization

Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing great! :blush:
This is a long post, so thank you in advance for your time!

A few days ago, I shared with you a site I built for a client, and I thank you all for the comments and for visiting it!
Topic: Site launch: đŸ™ŒđŸ» - #17 by efthymis

Now that it is launched, I have a few questions on optimization.

  1. Should I examine all css/classes and try to consolidate them? I have already used the option to “delete any unused classes”. But I noticed that, while I was building the site, whenever I styled lets say a button, a new class was created. Now, all my buttons share the same appearance (glossy, bold white text), but each one still has its own class. Shouldn’t I make just one class and apply it to all the buttons? :thinking: There’s definitely many other items that share an appearance too, and I’m pretty sure they have their own classes instead of just one.

  2. When I was building it, the images that I used were either png or jpeg (when I didn’t care about transparency). If I’m not mistaken, Blocs converts everything to webp. However, when viewing the source code I think I saw some mentions of the png files. The same happens when I use google’s PageSpeed Insights, I see references to the pngs. Should I check each image, and perhaps convert them to webp myself if they weren’t auto-converted? Also, is it really safe to rely only on webp? I guess all browsers support it, but are there situations that a fallback to png/jpeg is necessary? (I noticed that in the “img” folder there are both versions, e.g. Artbook.png - Artbook.webp, so should I just leave them as they are?)

  3. In a few months, the site will also be in English and French. My plan is this:
    Create a new index.html page that will simply be the logo, and a language selector graphic (3 medieval banners with the Greek/US-UK/French flag). I will have 3 copies of the whole site, and each flag will point to the relevant site. I’m sure there may be easier methods, so I’m open to ideas. But if I stick to this plan, I plan to create 3 folders on the server, each containing a full site (image attached). Do you think it will work? Should I be especially cautious of something?

  4. I know Blocs doesn’t support viewing the full page source, but I noticed one problem with my carousel. Whenever I export it, 3 of the indicators reference another carousel-id :flushed:, thus they do not work properly. So I always go to the page source after exporting, and edit it myself (screenshot included). Is there any way to fix it permanently from within Blocs?

Again, thank you all so much for your time! I really appreciate it that users help each other in here. Us rookies have a lot to learn from you! Be well and safe everybody!! :blush: :blush:

Hi @efthymis,

Yes, thats the usual way to built. Create your design language and re-use the elements/classes throughout your site.

How far you go down that rabbit hole is up to you and time investment. But the best starting point is to read up what Google says about handling this themselves. There are several things you want to do, so you don’t get SEO punished. Hopefully Blocs will get a proper file tree one day, so making these sites is a lot easier. A lot of people ask about them.

Just remake the carousel, as blocs gives us no access to those attributes. But also report it to Blocs support. Thats not good at all.

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Well thats weird, the forum keeps changing the language of the multi language webpage. Lets blame the “Chat”

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Sorry Pete, you’ve lost me. What is the problem and what has it got to do with the chat?

If you see the screen shot, it’s showing the link in different languages. I posted the English page, then it showed Korean, then French and something else, I asked others and they are seeing different language also.

I edited it, and it changed again. But in the editor it looks fine.

Maybe the forum cache, if the same link has been used. I think the language is set by a URL parameter.

It currently shows Italian :rofl:

No idea why!

Ok, thank you, now I understand and we can take a look :+1:

Maybe this is depending on the browser language of the different forum members? It could be the Google docs are using this information automatically to build the preview.

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I haven’t searched, But I am sure I have shared this page before. You are probably right @Jannis, ironically on a thread about a multi language site :laughing:

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Sono inglese e il mio browser Ăš impostato in inglese, ma vedo il link in italiano. Forse qualcosa Ăš andato perso nella traduzione. Il link mi porta a una pagina in lingua italiana.

Translation =

@PeteSharp thanks for your replies!
(The link preview you posted was in Italian for me, ironically heheh)


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I would like to share my experience as well. When I built my first page after leaning HTML and CSS, I gave each element a different class. And guess what that make my page so slow and it didn’t pass the core web vitals hahaha!. Then after implementing the techniques of “id” and “classes”, my page was able to load faster. And for the images it best to upload them in webp format.

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