Special nav link size doesn't work

Hi, i can’t change the font size with blocsapp-special-menu blocsnav li a. The font-family works fine. Is this a bug or can i use an other class to change the font size? Thanks for your help.

Can you check the browser inspector and see if some other CSS is overriding it?

I don’t know what I’m looking for. But the same issue is in a complete new blocs project.

Yes, I can confirm this is happening.

@Norm ?

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thanks @PeteSharp
@Norm Could you have a look at this issue, pls.

I did use the class

nav-special.fullscreen-nav .nav > li a

now it works.

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Maybe Norm is transitioning some of the class names.


Maybe submit it through support, Norm might not see this.

Hallo @RME, isn’t the default class overriding the active link in the Project settings?

try it yourself. with a new project.