Text homepage showing in browser tab

Hi everyone,

I just finished my first website. There is just one problem, I can’t find the way to have another text showing in the browser tab for the home page, which name is home in the nav bar. I would be very thankful for some help here.

Greetings, Magga

I found a solution, I don’t know if this was the “right” one, but it seems to work :slightly_smiling_face:

The correct solution is to use the SEO Title Field in the page properties dialog. If you leave this blank, the normal page name will display.

Sorry, but I can’t understand this quite … I deleted the Name in the SEO Title Field (which was Home), then the Word disappeared in the Navision Bar …

The SEO title is what appears in the browser tab.

the name in the navigation bar can be anything you want - you just specify the label and point it to whichever page it has to link to.

If you don’t specify any options as shown above, your site will default the navigation links and the browser tab description to the Page name.

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Thank you very muck for this fantastic explanation! I will save this vor the websites to come!