Toggle Visibility - one at time


I love the toggle visibility, but I need some help with it…
How can I make that if one of the items are showed the others are hide, and when I choose on other item the one that is visible hide and only opens the next one.

Just like this one:

Can someone help me please?

Thanks in advance

I couldn’t di it in Blocs with visibility, so I had to add a HTML brick and add a carousel, but it was a bit tricky as I have to edit the code in code editor every time I add another section.
Search Carousel in bootstrap.

Hi @Pealco,
I guess you meen the so called accordeon view.
I was desperatly looking for it as well until I saw Eldars video.

After that I was able to create a simple version wizhout coding, just with blocs using it for my daily program description.

Might be helpful.

Cheers Kilian

That looks easy enough, but the idea is to close all others when you click open a section.

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That’s exactly what I need @apswoodwork , could you help me please?
Thanks @Kilian but what you explain is not what I mean, but thanks anyway for the time that you take to reply me. Certainly your reply helped someone in the forum. Thanks.

I’ll try to find time today if I can. (UK based).

Heres a link to an Accordion template I’ve made to share, with all paragraphs set to Backquote, but these are easily removed.
I would strongly recommend;

  1. Adding this to a duplicate page or backup to test as you go.
  2. Editing the H styles to suit, and
  3. Copying a section, adding 1 to the number and keeping it to add sections at a later date.
    (i.e.) I have a copy of 1 section, I change the numbers from 10 to 11, etc, then add new feedback to the top of the entire block.

I hope this helps,


Im looking at using this for my site and was wondering where do you put the code??

Any help would be appreciated.


In a html brick

Thanks. Got it working and customised to use just 4. Just need a bit more customisation then it will be great.
