UPDATED - My personal site with Blocs!

Uploaded my own web this weekend, built with blocs.


Really love the app, thanks!

So, I’ve updated the site with some portfolio items and removed somethings. I really love how easy it is to change layout, images and animations with blocs!

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Thanks cool, love the statement “I get…”

Thank you :slight_smile:

Nice start.

I’m not a fan of the “I get…” tagline. It seems a bit agressive - at odds with the tone of the rest of the page. I’d rather it was “I get things done”.

I can understand that your version is edgy and will appeal to a certain demographic, but it might put some people off before they scroll down.

Secondly, I’d say that the page is about “you” and that’s quite the right thing to do, but I think it has problems because in some ways it is too honest and not designed to encourage people to contact you.

For example you say that “I have just started…”, “I can do simple…”, “Unfortunately never had the interest of deeper skills”, “Just started working with…” .

Those statements are very honest, but none of them would appeal to someone looking to get a project done.

So my suggestion is that you think about the focus of your site - is it just meant to be a personal thing, or is it meant to be a vehicle to attract clients?

As a vehicle to attract clients, I’d focus more on what you can do for clients and remove anything that would put doubt in their mind about your abilities.

Some clients could care less what software you use, some clients don’t know anything exists beyond the Adobe Suite and very few clients will have heard of pixelmator and blocsapp, they may have heard of affinity, but it’s unlikely.

I suggest that you at least add in something to say what you can do for your clients and have less emphasis on your software package skills.

“I can build responsive HTML5-compliant websites that work well on mobile, tablet and desktop” is a better statement than…

“Just started working with Blocs app, and I love it! (This site is built with Blocs), I really think that its a great app for designers with little coding skills.”

Your clients don’t need to know you are new to Blocsapp. They don’t need to know the site is built with Blocsapp. They don’t need to know you have few coding skills. They just need to know you build cool sites. The blocsapp statement is the opposite to “I get sh*t done” it’s “I can’t do coding and anyone could do this using Blocsapp - you don’t need me…”.

Your page title is “A. Design” That’s really bland and it needs to be more specific - “Alerius Design” at the very least.

So, in general my advice (feel free to ignore it), is to emphasize your design skills, not your lack of skills with unknown software packages, say what you can do for your clients and be very positive about your ability.

As soon as you can, add some portfolio items and case studies.

Good luck.



Thanks for your input!

I really appreciate it, and will take some things that you pointed out in consideration. Right now it was just a project for me to learn more about Blocs. But when I feel like the time has come and I’m ready to take on a customer I will definitely change and add some portfolio items. :slight_smile: