Updates available-what to do?

Hi there,
almost every day I get an update notification (s):
What do I have to do then?

Thanks in advance and
Kind Regards,

Go to the Window menu item at the top, then scroll down to the bottom for the extension manager. Open that and see what can be updated. After scrolling, you should see something with an indicator suggesting a new item is available, but if not it suggests a bug.

You can select the Brics from the Dropdown menu to narrow down the list. Custom Blocs, which you have a lot, are not updated via built-in update feature.

And then? When I scroll down? How does a updateable bric look like?
That ones with the Cazoobi Limited?

Or what is the indicator?
And now, if these are the ones - how to update?

Right click shows:

Thanks for getting back and Kind Regards,

Normally you would see some kind of icon on the right hand side indicating that an update is available, then you click on it. If you are not seeing that something is not working correctly.

As you see, I don’t see any icon.

Thanks for getting back

Kind Regards,

I’ve seen this in the past a couple times and it would be down to a rogue bric having update communication errors. The problem is finding the bric.

Have the same here with Blocs latest. I submitted the bug a few days ago but no answer as of now.

Ironically its all Norms Brics there :wink:

Seems like your Follow Links bric should show an update, v1.1 is what I have.

I am curious about the WP brics, though as all mine are older than yours, and don’t have updates??

An update looks like this, with a blue cloud icon and an info icon.

Same here. My Follow links bric is 1.1 but my WP brics are old versions with no updates available. Maybe @Norm needs to take a look at this.

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Yeah, I can’t see an update URL in the WP brics, I mentioned that in the forum the other week I think. But no response. So not sure, maybe we had early beta versions? :man_shrugging:

Some of mine are older than yours @Flashman :grin:

I just tried downloading the stable version to see if they were included there, but that is not the case. This needs some kind of fix and ought to be automatic.

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Is there a download link then? I guess we have to guess. :laughing:

Since a few days I have not seen Eldar here? Maybe he can chime in and let us know, what to do?
Not that it is in any conflict with my one project at all, so nothing for me to worry.

Thanks to all of you and as always-

-Kind Regards,


Above are the versions I have (had). Out of curiosity I deleted them to see if I could download and install newer ones. But now they can not be found via searching. :joy: So don’t do that. :rofl:

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Yeah… no. :smile:

I uninstalled all Blocs 5 related items then reinstalled from the 5.2.5 installer and got back those WP versions seen in my above screenshot. So it’s strange @Flashman shows older and @PeteSharp even older.

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It all seems a bit broken to me. Those brics ought to update like any others.

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I would agree. When the app updates it should occur but also in the extension manager if needed. So I’m curious how mine were newer and other users were not?

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It’s an issue when helping users when they send a project.

I’m sure there used to be links to download them in support. :man_shrugging: