Upload only changed files to server

I know how to export and upload to a server and publish my site. But my question is, if I make regular updates to my site,is there not a way of just uploading the changed pages/files.

I do t wish to compare but joomla I can upload a news article really quickly whereas the same on a blocs site would require a full export and upload? Is that right?

I haven’t used Joomla, but I believe it’s template based CMS, so essentially you are only loading actual content, not the page itself.

Blocsapp is a static site builder that doesn’t use a CMS so it generates the whole page, not just load some data to a database.

I know of a static site builder that does attempt to only upload changes, but it is a never ending source of hassle for users that don’t understand what is happening.

So, be careful what you wish for!


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