URGENT HELP! Content has disappeared...?!

Hi all

I am in a little bit of a panic and don’t understand what’s going on. Yesterday, I added a page to my website and edited, saved, exported and uploaded to FTP just fine.

Today when I want to edit a few minor things the whole page is empty in the preview pane. Not only that ALL of my pages will show correctly in the preview pane BUT the edit pane is completely blank - everywhere.

It’s like there’s a glitch and the data can’t be accesses. I haven’t moved any files. All is the same. Just added one page with a few pictures and links. Nothing complicated.

I restarted the computer. Same… Any hints???

I can obviously download the HTML page from the FTP. Any way I can import that into my blocs file?? Yikes.

Thank you so much for your kind help. I am facilitating a workshop next week and better be able to get this going… :expressionless:


Had something similar a couple of years ago - just go to your back up and try updating again. I duplicated my last back up and cloud saved it so I didn’t have the issue again and again but was just a one off.

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had same troubles many times
using some brics from 3rd part

I never ever knew if it is linked to BLOCS app or to the 3rd part bric
or mix of both

1st case: preview OK but not on edit panel (no animation and no images)
2st: nothing on preview and nothing on edit panel (your case)

I decided to save the project BUT not use it for a while and considering it as junk
I created a new one with same idea but using another method

then come back few days later and opening the old project (the weird one) to find some text I didn’t saved
then animations worked again without reason at opening
until they made the second case… no working on preview and edit panel

I would love to have the reason and how to solve it as it is pretty weird to not be able to use it properly…

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Thank you! Great advice! File vault (nearly typed vile Fault… how accurate!) worked! PHEW!!


Accessing a previous version in file vault worked for me. Phew! :slight_smile:


Brilliant!! Back that up and save it in the cloud for piece of mind!! You will sleep better! :joy:

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