Using GIFs in Carousels. Starting issues

Hello All,
Just for reference I’m still on Blocs 5 Plus:
As the title states I’m adding gifs in carousels along with images. Everything is fine except when the gifs rotate back around sometimes they start off already in progress and then jump back to the start of play. Visually it’s not great. It’s like the gif is playing in the background, gets called to display and suddenly jumps back to the beginning.

Any help would be appreciated.

Gifs being gifs. :wink:

In theory, it would require custom coding using the Bootstrap Carousel API Methods to capture carousel events, then use JS to manage the play, pause reset of the GIF with whatever of the many approaches for doing so you would choose. You can find libraries if needed for the latter but would still need to cobble it all together. It would probably be easier in doing so with a more robust carousel library also that has more events, that would be more setup however.

Sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear.

That’s what I was afraid of. Oh well. I’ll have to find a different approach. Really killed my inspiration. Looks so nice until it starts acting up.

Thanks for replying

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