View in browsers - Preview not working

Blocs 4.1.1
I imported a project from Blocs 3 and I cannot view it in any browsers or (sometimes) with the built in preview. I sometimes get an error. path of some sort- /1223?

I tried my other projects - same for all projects now. I restarted. No go.

Anyone have any suggestions ?

That sounds strange. I would send in a project file with a support ticket.

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Do you just have this issue with preview. Does the site export ok?

I am now using Mamp Pro as a work around. It exports but when I do it replaces everything. There is no dialogue box with the option to replace everything or only the updated objects.

When I open this project it affects all other projects and then I must restart my MacBook Pro. Mojave 10.14.6 before I can preview in browsers with my other Bloc projects. This file has become corrupt somehow I guess.

For anyone interested. The browser previews were not working because of a local embedded video. Once the video was removed everything worked as planned.