Website does not reflect changes made in Blocs

Why when I publish some folders are being duplicated on the server?

Also, I publish the site and changes made on Blocs do not show on the website?
I have deleted all the duplicates and re-published and the changes are not reflected on the web. I have tried to delete everything from the server and publish this don’t work either.

Any help would be much appreciated.

If you don’t see the changes when viewing a published site. That’s not a blocs issue. It’s likely a cache issue.

In safari you can press Command ( ) + Option ( ) + R

I used a terrible hosting company many years ago who had some really stupid caching setup. And occasionally I would have to wait 5 mins to see the change. As it was all server side. (They used to be good until they were brought by another hosting company). I’m not saying that’s your issue. Just brought up bad memories :joy::joy: