Website sticks on pre-loader

Website sticks on pre-load on mac, works fine on iPhone & iPad.
I’ve done screenshot.
Also blocs app website sticks, I assume the problem is my end ( old macs - one 2008 & the other 2014)
I have to click refresh & then it loads…
Any suggestions. Andy


Problem when using safari
just checked it on Chrome & works fine

Something isn’t loading and you need to find out what that is. Try having the developer tools open as you attempt to load the page and look for any errors or warnings.

More than likely it’s a call out to an external resource that is being blocked by an adblocker. I never enable the preloader, because I think it is too prone to issues like this.

Opens instantly for me. I reckon the problem is particular to your browser. There is something it doesn’t like.

Thanks Flashman.
If its a problem my end then ‘not so bad’. Andy

Try looking at your extensions. Might also be worth clearing the cache or even a computer restart.

Just checked myself on Safari with the AdGuard Extension. No Issues loading and see no errors in the web inspector

Thanks for checking. Andy

removed pre-loader on website & works fine now, even on my old mac…

I tried the pre-loader before with a different app and it was far too problematic. One time I found it was opening on Safari but not on Chrome and I had wondered why sales had been low for a month… Ever since then I’ve concluded it wasn’t worth the risk.

If you like the idea of smoothing the transition lazy load seems improved with the recent update. For a while it was a bit choppy after changes in Chrome that enabled similar functionality at a browser level, so I disabled it, however it’s been tweaked.

The other trick I use almost by default now is the page transition bric, which I bought on a whim, but now used on every site for this reason. It can do all sorts of fancy effects, however I tend to just adopt the same colour as the main background colour, then let it fade in over something like a third of a second. It’s just enough to smooth over the edges.

Apart from that I would really try to stick with local assets where possible, so videos, images and fonts are stored on your server, rather than making callouts to external servers that may not be online or have network issues, plus they can be a headache with GDPR.

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