What do we need added in Blocs 2.4?

You can already do 2. Just switch to tablet view mode and then open a class and edit it, this is stored as setting values for tablet. You can do the same with mobile.

great thank you - than I would add a new 2 :slight_smile:

  1. hover can change image

Interactions like on scroll, hover, click etc. wouldn’t be bad.
Customer components wouldn’t be bad either.

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Target any bloc on any site page

Took me a while to break down what would MOST important to my project.

  1. Still the meta thing and SEO matters major to my project.
    Not happy with the yet offered ability to paste it into page settings via code. The order is not sauber looking later in the source code.
    To Father christmas:
    A simple field “my metas eg.here…”

  2. “swiping potion” the native speakers call it “toch” I guess…
    ohhhh yes, this is a wishand a solution via a light box field would be highly appreciated.
    One field here would be soooo nice:

  3. The Form offers good possibilities - that´s not usual with these kinds of apps. Norm needs to earn some compliments for this (not online yet and no experiance how SPAM resistance his soloution is). For now it looks ok - or at least proper working.
    My wish number 3 is an option - to redirect the success message to my own, personal URL.
    Would love to see it simply in this area:

Although there are more desires, I think this is it for now. I am deeply honoring Norms philosophy and hope he keeps it.
Simple Mac App wich gives non coders like me a chance and offers the nerds a nice tool to moc up projects.

  1. Ability to create your own custom blocs to save and share.
  2. Bloc and bric collapsable panel like photoshop.
  3. Gallery transitions,like hover over …
  4. Maybe a detailed help list with all the answers to issues asked.
  5. Everybody buy Norm a pint on completion :+1:t2:


I’ve loved using trial version of Blocs, and am looking to purchase the full product. I think Blocs is amazing and packs pretty much everything one could ask for to develop a website. Very thankful to the team that made Blocs!

However, there is one thing that I could not accomplish that bugged me a little bit – I couldn’t include an “affixed” sidebar like on the Bootstrap site.

For example, note the sidebar on the right on the Bootstrap website: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/components/accordion/

There is a sidebar that floats down along with the rest of the webpage, instead of scrolling up.

Can we please have a way to incorporate the “affix” sidebar?

Another example: http://www.bootply.com/100983

Thank you! :slight_smile:

@abhas1 Sidebars are a thing of the past that don’t behave well responsively and the demo link you mentioned isn’t even a responsive site. There are better ways to achieve the same thing such as using an Off Canvas slider or menu to provide the “sidebar” content.

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I agree that sidebar incorporation may be on a decline, and that off canvas menus can also accomplish the job. However, I have had use cases where having a sidebar proved to be helpful.

For instance, I noticed a couple of examples having a vertical menu/sidebar while browsing the forum to see sites made with Blocs. One of them was http://www.camertonholdings.com/companies.html (which I found here: NEW! Camerton Holdings Website)

The site has a sidebar (on the left), but it doesn’t scroll down with the rest of the website content (on the right).

I’m sure there are workarounds to working with such a design, but having the option for an affixed sidebar will definitely prove to be helpful.

Additionally, the link I had shared with the sidebar on the right is Bootstrap’s official website, and is responsive. However, if you’re referring to the sidebar menu being responsive, it just hides itself on a non-desktop interface. Even then, I feel that such a sidebar is good for navigating and providing the user with situational awareness when a user has lots of screen real estate i.e. on a desktop.

Would love to hear your thoughts! (And hopefully have this feature as well!) :slight_smile:

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  1. Custom CSS
  2. Folders i.e. mysite.com/project/project-a
    easier indexing of large sites etc
  3. More Breakpoints

I would like to see the ability to add newsletter pop ups, and mega menu features, to be able to add images to the menu, icons and free text… you get what I mean.


Please add a Spell Check.

I am not a native English speaker, and even if I were, there may be issues of miss-typing.


1. Ability to reorder / shuffle the pages

2. BRICS in a toolbox so we could select the brics quickly.

3. Smooth transition rollover image links. or, the ability to add content into a lightbox pop up (a text bric, or text and images with links, a form etc…)

  1. Cookie alert
  2. Preset Google Maps bloc
  3. Photo Gallery with a tag menu to choose per photo tag.
  4. Background video link to YouTube for a better streaming
  1. Align brics verticaly (top, center, bottom) inside parent
  2. See path to asset originals
  3. Reorder pages (as @Fubals mentioned above)
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  1. breakpoints
  2. breakpoints
  3. breakpoints

The ability to create custom formulas would be really useful, especially for client websites where they want to take orders online. The sort of thing where a site visitor can decide they want 5 widgets and the total is properly calculated.

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I would like to be able to integrate bigcartel storefront and maybe a tour block for artists and musicians like the pic attached and maybe a audio player,I understand you can add custom HTML but I think there could be issues with some plugins when opening the project file,might be wrong there ?

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Ability to upload fonts…


to use keyboard arrows for lightbox next and prev. ( I notices this a few time, that clients tried this )

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