What is your opinion to this NEW website?

Hey guys, what do u think about this new website. Should i publish it?

New Website

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I love it!!! :slight_smile:

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Very clean and easy to navigate, great work.

Nice work! It’s simple yet elegant, and for me it home as sometimes less is really better. I really like the one page approach, I have a site like that also.

The page seems long on the mobile side but you have done a good job controlling padding and margins. Maybe on the examples (12) show only a few keys ones and create a dropdown hidden area for showing more? That would shorten the mobile page a lot.

Just my observation, you did a really nice job.



Still showing the blocsapp favicon.
When I went to the gallery I clicked on one of the displays. I saw the enlarged image and the arrows. I expected the arrows to take me to more images of the same item, not to navigate through larger pictures of the whole gallery.

Great design.


Thanks for the tip. I ll make it :slight_smile:

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i understand. So i ll change the gallery. thanks @pauland

how did you make hover effects on images? i tried so many times. but no use… :frowning:

i did make a custom bric. but i’m not complete happy, because i would like to add an interaction like a hyperlink. maybe anyone has a idea how i can do it in the bric builder


When I finish the bric, I can make it available.