Wordpress shortcode issue

Hi, I’m working on integrating analytics… I’m opting to go the route of Matomo for a number of reasons. There is a Wordpress plugin, and I’m attempting to use the shortcode as listed in their documentation: [matomo_opt_out]

In blocs I have it configured as %matomo_opt_out%. Blocs is pulling data in from Wordpress, screenshot attached…

although the opt out form Matomo isn’t. Has anyone successfully implemented Matomo in their Blocs project with the Wordpress Integration. Not sure which end the issue is coming from?


A shortcode will only work when present in the content of a post or page, not when it is in the source of the theme (as far as I know).

It might just be easier to install and activate https://www.kokoanalytics.com/, since it does not require a shortcode :wink:

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Ah, I see thanks. Makes sense, will try it in content.

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