Www.domain.com and www.domain.com/index.html (double content)

Hi, my SEO software indicates that there is a problem with the www.domain.com and Website Domains Names & Hosting | Domain.com having the same content on different URL.

How can i avoid that /index.html is shown / published?


I’m tempted to suggest it may be a bug in your SEO software, though somebody may know better, since it’s effectively the same page. Are you seeing this error with other pages on your site?

On my sites I like to use https, so nowadays I have everything from www, http etc instantly forward to https via a 301 redirect. Https is better for speed and security, but also SEO, since Google likes it. Furthermore, using the 301 redirect in this way ensures that Google only sees one version of your site.

In Blocs 2.5 I’d really like to see an option to create a different page structure inside Blocs, so each web page would be stored in a separate folder on the server. This produces tidier looking urls in the web browser and has other advantages as well.

Even though they are the same page, they don’t have to be. That’s why Google and other search engines suggest you add a canonical URL.

I’m very new to blocsapp (had it 2 days now) so can’t tell you the best way to add it to a blocs project. But here are some resources that explain about canonical’s:

same problem here with my SEO software SE Ranking, it show exactly the same error, but I’m not sure how to solve it.