Youtube Video embed - dsgvo

How to embed a youtube video or a map in blocs in a dsgvo compliant way?

In order to be able to play YouTube videos, you must obtain explicit consent from the user for data transmission. This can be done by clicking on a button that is placed under an appropriate notice text. In addition, a link should be placed to your privacy page, which opens in a new tab with a click.

Thank you - but the best way has WordPress with borlabs…

I now the normal way for embedding…but I look for a two click possibility.

Without them I can use only image and link to YouTube.

For maps I use the free OSM Bloc … unless you mean something different.

In germany for YouTube and Maps - even OSM you need 2 clicks possibiltiy - it means: user has to give extra agreement…

For OSM? It doesn’t even set a cookie.

In Germany OSM without agreement is a problem - warnings by lawyers