Add Animated Counter Up SOLVED!

Hi @Pealco. How do I add a “%” to the counter code? I can’t get it working.

Hello @r_botman please let me know what you need in the end, how it should appear?

I need a counter to go up from 0% to 27.7%.

Hope it is clear enough

Hello @r_botman, there you go:

  1. In page preferences add the following code, (as was before, except the styling):
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

      jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
              delay: 10,
              time: 1000


  1. Instead of create a H1, H2 and give it the class counter, do the following:
  • Add a “HTML Widget”

  • Insert inside the following code:

I'm increasing <span class="counter">27.7</span> % this year.

To style it add a class as you want and change everything, font, color, etc.


  • Add a H1, H2 what ever you want and add a text:

I’m increasing 27.7 % this year.

  • Then with your mouse select only the 27.7 and in the selected press the little icon “Wrap in Span”

  • Then Select only the Span in the left side:


  • Give it the class on the right: counter.


And there you have (both options):


Hope it helps you…

Thanks for all your help @Pealco

I still have a question @Pealco. Is it possible to do one counter in a column and copy that column and change the details of the counter?

If I try this only the last counter in the last column works.

With each counter in a different column it is more easy I think to style them in the different breakpoints. So not all 4 in a row but 2 next to each other and the other 2 below

Is there a way?

Hello @r_botman do you mean something like this:?

The only thing you need is in each “SPAN” add 2 classes:

  • “counter” - same class for each counter you have independently where they are in the page
  • “class1”; “class2”, “class3” or whatever class you want to give to the counter to change style for each counter.

The example I give you there are the classes I give them:

Resuming: Class “counter” for each counter and an adicional class to style them individually, “font1”, “font2”, “font3”, etc…

Or you can add the “styling” class to the H1, H2, etc and you affect the complete phrase not only the SPAN.

Hope it helps you.


Thanks again @Pealco. It works great. Only when I put the code in the page settings I get a warning about a duplicate. Any idea what can cause this?

Hey @r_botman,

Looks like you have the script in the page header. Have you also got the same script in the page footer?

I have 2 other scripts in the footer. not the same

Oh I just saw the warning in the image. You don’t need to add jQuery because Blocs already adds it. (It appears to be loading twice, if I’m correct)

If I remove this:

the counter doesn’t work anymore.

Try removing just the top line. Otherwise @Pealco will know.

That did not help. Hope @Pealco can help me.

Maybe it has to do with the files I attached in “Header File Attachments” for other scripts?

Any idea @Pealco?

Hello @r_botman, all the CDN calling jQuery are needed to this counter works, effectively you and @PeteSharp have reason when you said that Blocs already have jQuery. But check here what @Norm said about custom brics:

So the only line you could take from code is this:
<script src=""></script>

All the others need to be there to this snippet code works.

But for my experience UNTIL NOW I have a lot of references for this duplicated library and never had any problem with it…

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Thanks @Pealco. When I preview in Blocs now the Typing script does not work, when I preview in Safari it works, but when I upload it to the internet it doesn’t work in Safari. Any suggestions?

what are the preferences when you export it? Do you have lazy load checked? Normally I have problems with my snippets when I check lazy load…

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