Adding Local Fonts

Hello everyone,

if I add my local font as ttf as described in the Blocs Help file, it is unfortunately only displayed in safari and not on mozilla firefox. I found the topic here in some discussions, but so far without a solution … Are there any ideas how can I counteract this in the meantime?

Thank you in advance!


Hi @phil, for optimal browser support fonts should be added in the following file formats: .woff, .woff2, .ttf, .eot and .svg. If you have only the .ttf file you can do conversion to the other file formats here:

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@phil you may also want to read in that other thread.
@Flashman said there, that one does

NOT need .svg and .eot anymore.

I personally don’t know about these things and did not go ahead with adding fonts locally after asking (but will do so soon). :wink:

It does no real harm to add Eot and Svg but they are really pointless legacy formats that could only be used by a tiny number of browsers that might not even open a Blocs site nowadays.

I am not sure if Blocs 4 still adds Eot or Svg and in any case if a browser is capable of using another format it would load those first.

In order of preference you want woff2, woff and finally ttf. Between the first two you already cover almost 100% of browsers and certainly those that could actually open a Blocs site properly. The other format ttf is just slower loading and would only be called up if there was no alternative.


Thank you for your helpful explanations @Flashman :slight_smile:

Are you in charge of the Blocs online knowledge base?

There still is written

„For optimum browser support, we recommend that the web font is provided in the following file formats .woff , .woff2 , .ttf , .eot and .svg .“

Maybe it will help others if your info regarding svg and eot would be added there.

svg alone „weighs“ so much in data size and if that doesn’t have to be added necessarily that’d be even better. :slight_smile:

since you wrote yesterday somewhere you were feeling unwell:
get well soon! :smiley:
drink a lot of hot tea! :coffee:

No I am not in charge of the knowledge base and perhaps that could be updated. There is no reason why you cannot add eot for svg; it’s just rather pointless.

If you look at that link it says you must include woff, woff2 and ttf, but for maximum compatibility you can include eot and svg. I would argue that adding those last two is just adding unnecessary files to the server.

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Thanks for the information! :hugs:

I only uploaded the font in ttf format.
Then I will now add the fonts in woff and woff2 format.

You are supposed to select the folder, rather than individual files. Try deleting any reference to the font, then restarting blocs and adding the folder. You’ll then need to restart another time before they are available for use.

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Ok … it reports again that they are already there, but it works in the end! :hugs:


One more question … the remaining fonts that I had previously added as google webfonts will automatically become local fonts (after deactivating the webfonts)?

No you’ll need to add those separately as local fonts if you want them.

In essence it’s quite simple. The Google fonts option is just fetching some CSS styling from the Google servers to change the appearance. Local fonts are loading the physical fonts from your own server.

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