Animated Headlines in Blocs

Can someone help me how to integrate this with Blocs? CSS Animated Headlines | CodyHouse

hi @mackyangeles, see this topic for rotating text.

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Thank you for this Jerry, but I was looking at achieving the slide effect though. :frowning:

That would be great!

Hi @mackyangeles

After reviewing your animation documentation, you’d have to try to integrate into your Blocs project file. I’m not a web coder, but previously I did this for another text rotation animation called Morphist and after much experimentation was able to get it to work. I needed to put the various animation piece parts in Blocs project attachments, project/page footer, and code bric. I attached a test blocs file if you’d like to see how I did it (see below). You’d probably have to do something similar for your animation. Or you could try using Morphist.

Hope this helps. Good luck! :slight_smile:

Morphist-test.bloc (721.9 KB)

Update: Sorry I made some typos above and in test file. Should say Morphext instead of Morphist. Btw, there is a Morphist object rotator which can animate images + text.

Thank you guys! Just an update. I done it already! with alot of trial and error hehe Vitro


Looks great! What did you do and use to get the result?

Used this one… :slight_smile: CSS3 Animated Headline Rotator Plugin With jQuery - animatedHeadline | Free jQuery Plugins