Blocs 2.3 build 14 getting undefined message on contact submission?

Hi Norm so I just updated to the latest version yesterday and now I’m getting the undefined message when submitting a form please help.


What happens when you post? do you get anything?

Hi Norm
So yes I’m getting the email but on the bottom where is normally it say message sent successfuly in green it’s said undefined also highlighted in green ?


Does your form have a success message set?

Where can I set it ?

Nevermind I see it let me try I’ll let you know soon thanks

Ok It works fine thank you
Great work by the way keep it up

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I am getting the undefined alert which is set for fail in blocs app any reason why it is failing to send message, I was testing on GitHub pages


I don’t think GitHub pages will allow php to be executed. It’s for static pages afaik.


Got it, thanks @Whittfield