Blocs for Mac V5 Beta Build 3

I just tried with one website after removing Flexy on small simple site using Volt and there was no long space, so I went back to the original site not using Volt and the white space was gone there after removing Flexy, however it was no longer respecting the XS breakpoint and just exported as a wide image. Perhaps a cache image.

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In this case it was set to classic.

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So the white space should be = to the height of your footer.

So I guess unless you create the screenshots with a different method, we might need an option to exclude certain js files from screenshots. :man_shrugging:

So a locked class is not removed when you remove unused classes.

I just thought it might be worthwhile testing this via local preview over AirDrop as a new feature and then taking a screenshot from the iPhone.

It tells me AirDrop service is not available, though I use it all the time but limited to contacts only and I figured that would include myself.

Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 09.25.22

Then I tried the other copy option and it says copied, but when I go to paste there is nothing in the clipboard.

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Same here. I can’t get it to work even though Airdrop is working perfectly for file transfers.

Airdrop works for me. But I still am unable to lock a class ?

Maybe code fix is remove this…

if pete {
    classLock = fail


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Do you have Wifi and BT turned on? I think both are required for Airdrop

All enabled both on the iPhone and the Mac. The Mac is Intel.

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It’s not listed if it’s locked

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Are all on the same network, I noticed it failed for me once and my phone had connected to the router but on the alternative connection with lower speed (alt signal).

Most of what’s happening here is handle by the OS with regards to airdrop Apple have that locked down.

I don’t think this is something developers will need to adapt to or make changes for. I’ll just refine the way the calculations are made and make it more flexible.

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Hey @Norm

I just noticed a div that has a class of ‘remove-on-export’ isn’t being removed. There’s others in the bric that are being removed so very strange & thought I’d let you know.




I’ve had that too, with helper classes. I walked away from developing for a bit :face_with_head_bandage: as this was a crucial.

I’ve been there, done that but never got my T-shirt :tshirt: :upside_down_face:

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Hey, @Norm.

This isn’t directly related to this Beta, but why can’t groups be moved to another page?

Honest answer, because I didn’t write the code to do it.


Is this a Custom Bric within a custom Bric scenario?

Hey, @Helen. Family visits are canceled today. @Norm has got homework to do. :rofl:

Jokes aside. I think it’s the first time I’ve used groups and I believe it would be a handy feature. What could work as well is to be able to select two blocs and have an option to group them.