Certain links on mobile breakpoints not working (not getting exported as links)

I have a couple of columns that both have some paragraph text and and a read more link in them. I have a couple of those blocs, with a similar structure. For some reason Blocs doesn’t export the correct link in the 2nd column for mobile breakpoints. I have the same structure in another block for Desktop, where it works fine. It looks as it should, from what I can tell, within Blocs.

Screenshots attached of both inside block and website viewed with Firefox Inspector.

1st link Desktop :arrow_heading_down:

2nd link Desktop :arrow_heading_down:

1st link Mobile :arrow_heading_down:

2nd link Mobile :arrow_heading_down:

Blocs overview, with 2nd link highlighted (the one that doesn’t work) :arrow_heading_down:

As you can see the “2nd link” on mobile breakpoints doesn’t become a link.

Any ideas? Is this a bug?

Unless you have specific visibilities set per breakpoint. It’s the same code for all the breakpoints.

The 2nd mobile link image you are just showing the bloc div you need to expand it to see the link.

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Problem solved

We dug into some problem solving through private messages and cause of the issue was that I was using this fix to set the scroll-in timing (a combo of a certain padding and then the value but as negative for margin). Removing that from the mobile break points solves the problem. Works as it should now!