Changing the colour of a selected object - how to implement

Please advise - I want to implement a function that is already present on the site of our favourite programme - namely, that when you click on a certain side on the left, on the right side of the screen is a transition to it - and along with this changing colour line on the left.

I read all I could find on the forum, but I do not understand how to do it.
In addition, the menu on the left always remains in place.

Hello @Newbie , probably the best option is to talk with @Eldar he have this two options for you, please check:

Hope it helps you…

And you have a topic already about this:

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You’ll be surprised - but I’ve already talked to Eldar about this issue. I bought a premium package from Eldar - and I want to implement it in one of the templates just - which he did.
And he informed me that he doesn’t know how this could be done - and most likely it was done with code and not in the app.

So what you want is when you click in one of the options in the side menu, you want to the selected item will be in a different color/style? Is that what you need?

And the bloc with that information on the right side scrolls to that part?

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Yes, that’s exactly it.
Now I tried to do it with :focus, but as soon as you click somewhere else, the backlight flies off.

I want it to work this way:
Clicked on the menu on the left- - the selected item changed color and you were transferred to the information on the right (this can be done via scroll to target).
It would be great if the same sticky menu would work, but this is probably too much. At least the highlighting of the selected item would have worked with the transition.

Doesn’t the Active Link Class work?

Don’t know, only checking…

I’ve seen this video and rewatched it many times.
But it will only work for the main menu.
Or am I wrong? I just don’t even understand how to check this hypothesis.

PS I keep googling - it looks like it can be done through ScrollSpy - Blocs - Adding ScrollSpy to a Blocs Project - YouTube

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Not so much for the side menu part, but the scrollspy/active link bit.


Maybe this could be something @Norm could bring into blocs with option to move the menu to the side of the page…is this possible Norm?