Custom class link on button

oh that’s weird.

Hey @Flashman, I just took a look and the home button has the data attributes attached to it.

Well spotted. It had a preconnect attribute, which strangely caused the cart popup to appear instead.


This is so strange. I removed that attribute and even put in a new navigation bric, starting from scratch. The second time I try accessing the home page from the navigation menu on the about page it triggers the cart.

I dug a little deeper and discovered inside the web developer tools that there are issues with the Content Security Policy when the cart is triggered, so I contacted the web host and they say this is related to web code.

I cannot see what I could possibly be doing that would cause issues here and as a test I checked the old RW site that has similar problems. According to Fastspring there will be problems “If your page restricts sandboxes through a Content Security Policy (CSP) header, be sure to add allow-top-navigation to the policy.

Surely none of us is messing with the Content Security Policy header when building in Blocs. I need to do some research and find how to fix this but I really am losing patience with the Fastspring cart. It seems that practically any kind of export minification causes problems and their backend is a nightmare to work with.