File upload help

I have a client that has to update his website with a PDF about 4 times a year, is it possible to use Blocs for this?

Or is it a case of using something like Dropbox or Google drive and linking that to their website?

Hi Nick,

This will help you.



Hi Jannis,

If i create in Volt an image showing a product and a title saying latest price list and underneath a button, how would be the best way for my client to upload a PDF each month with a price list, wold i need Repository Manager?..I was under the impression PDFs would be added on a future update to Volt?

I would like the Button be the action for the PDF top open on another page.

I have a project I am doing a proposal for and would like to offer the option of them to update PDF price list on one page and a clearance PDF on another.


Future, yes. Currently, not possible without Repository Manager Bric.

I have to work on a tighter integration into Blocs app first.

Thanks for your understanding.

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Thanks for letting me know. I will see how it easy this will be in the Repository Bric, by watching more videos. Do you have videos of adding a PDF and bringing this into Blocs at all?

Thanks Jannis.

You create a button on Blocs with a link to a PDF, which is persistent in a (sub)-directory, which can be accessed by Repository Manager.

It’s as simple as that.

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