Google page speed test - poor results on blocs site

I use Siteground and use both their Cloud and Shared hosting.

I have never had a single issue with siteground and i love the live scaling when I do a live stream and the autoscaling is also very good.

Siteground is not the cheapest, but I pass the costs on to the client so this cover the costs and their scaling.

They have changed their whole price structure recently and also changed the amount of users on their shared service, but if you are only running a few then buy the package you need. Their customer service is just amazing and instant and this is what I need when I am doing a live stream job.

I tend to run more personal and small websites on the shared hosting, but will soon move them all to the cloud as this is rock solid for me.

I do like the GTMETRIX results for my pages. How serious should I take the google page speed insights though? I always think that a score of 50 will reduce the ranking of my sites.

I used to put a lot of stock into pagespeed ratings, but now concentrate on initial paint times and the mobile usability recommendations in google search console as my main barometer of speed related usability.

I use cheap cloud hosting hidden behind a cloudflare CDN, with images via SIRV, all my sites are pretty quick. Itā€™s just the analytics code that slows them down a little, I can live with that.

Right, I used my free time this weekend to switch from HostEurope to SpaceHost (both German providers, but spacehost has their servers in Germany, which I think HE does not), who offers free SSL certificates even on subdomains, provides brotli text compression and even http/2 as standard, when domains use SSL encryption.

That gave my two sites a decent improvement already on google page speed insights. From red into the upper orange range. And a 100% performance on gtmetrix. Plus, SpaceHosts account management for everything (!) is so much easier to work with.

Iā€™m a happy bunny :grinning:


FrThe problem of Wordpress already it is greedy in resource and heavy, I used for a long time wordpress and a builder like DIVI for 2 years already and there is time of the bugs of functionalities or others. Wordpress is good to have a backend interface but only in the case where the customer wants to take control after the creation of website that we have done. Otherwise showcase site with blocks or html/Css/js is enough or jamstack site or headless CMS more refined than wordpress (which requires much more code mastery though), we would get much better scores than a wordpress site. THE problem of wordpress is the plugins, to put tons of them for x functions of a site it weighs down the site in loading and I do not speak to you about the interminable updates (fortunately that it became automatic recently and that certain updates make jump the site or certain update breaks the site because the editor of plugin changed its method of conceptiond thus I let you imagine the time of repair of a site and to redesign behind. .a waste of time and energy) This is my personal feedback and thatā€™s why I was looking for a software like BLOCS to design sites faster. Iā€™m still learning BLOCS in the smallest details, Iā€™m not used to it yet but the result is there for my first site, and Iā€™ll develop other sites and redesign my clients sites made with Wordpress with Blocs to gain in performance. ā€¦Great thanks @Norme

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Also guys, avoid the use of Google fonts, serve your fonts locally, you will see a clearly improvement by 10% at least


Thatā€™s what I thought for the fontsā€¦A having too many loading links is not obvious and slightly decreases the performance.

Hi @Mitaka, are you still using EZOIC? Can you please share your experiences?

Thanks, Simon