Hey Developers..help yourself out


Thanks @Flashman - never looked to be fair, always thought it would have been 100% blocs

Don’t forget Blocs can create Wordpress themes now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I need to dive into it at some point!
I will do…when I get chance!


I don’t want to be mis understood.
I quite LIKE the brics/blocs store. I think this central hub is a GREAT IDEA. The Bric/Blocs in there, that I have purchased thus far, work fine, no arguments about quality etc…or getting support.
I wish there were more. More blocs and brics, and more developers.
I invite anyone reading this thread to go click on a few of the store fronts. I think you will see what I mean…

If I was completely new to Blocs and I went to some of the storefronts, that might be a turn off. Want more folks here like me (not developers), since that is Blocs main tag line, then I would hope for more tools and a better experience when I click on some of the storefronts.


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Not a Blocs Developer but I do have a few templates (All of which were migrated to Blocs 4 and one that comes with a fun extension :snowflake:).
My support inquiries usually come through my site’s contact page or Paddle Support but try to respond as soon as I see them.
My main focus is on the clients I have locally for freelance work though I currently wouldn’t neglect anyone who pays for my work.

Perhaps, in the future, I will look into making blocs for the community :man_shrugging:

Please join us…we are a growing community.


As I say before, I wold love to have a manual for creating bricks, but as some know probably the thought is: “if they know you go and find yourself”.

Definitely not me.


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Hopefully not me either. I try to respond as quickly as I can.

I have a Bric in beta, soon to be released :grin: so hopefully that adds to the tally. And another one In the pipeline. For me, I work on these in my spare time, and I’m no where as advanced in coding as @Whittfield and @Jannis who have created some great Brics, so I probably take the scenic route.

There is a learning curve with everything, I had never made anything like a Blocs Bric, but I started somewhere, used the docs, asked, and also spent time figuring it out. I started off simple, then did something more complex like a Easy Burger to stretch my skills.


@webplus created a video couple of years ago which helped me to understand better the structure of how a bric works. Visualising makes it often much simpler. The developers’ documentation is a bit tough for a noob like me. :upside_down_face: :man_student: :woman_student:


When does your new bric come out @Jerry :grinning:

I’m halfway through the video. Any fancy for something easy? :crazy_face:

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@PeteSharp I am not sure the Blocs community is ready for my custom bloc I told you about.

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I think it could be. It’s a game changer, since it’s a Bloc and not a Bric and you can’t have tick boxes, add some check boxes.


Maybe I could add a jpg inside the bloc with some checkboxes for effect. I agree it’s a game changer though for productivity.

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Might have to be a Flashman original for licensing. Should be mint, since you are a Photographer by trade.

I think we just highjacked a thread with in house commentary. Good look for Mods :rofl:

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I’ll have to mull it over. Perhaps call in some old buddies from one of the big agencies in Milan to help with the marketing side. Anyway back on topic I’ll leave the bric development to others.

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Have anything to do with linking to Tabbed content, by chance? (And compatible with BS5?)

I can’t wait to see it!!!
