Horizontal parallax scrolling... can this be done in Blocs?

You’re welcome @Hawkeye

In regards to GSAP, it’s a rather big undertaking to implement just certain aspects of GSAP into a UI. Though a few have done it such as Pinegrow Interactions and Semplice Animations as a few examples.

GreenSock is immensely versatile and powerful regarding what it can allow a person to animate and accomplish. So much so that you can barely scratch the surface when trying to build a UI around its features and abilities. :wink:

I agree with @Blocs_User, I wouldn’t use ScrollMagic either.

Hello everybody,

do you think it is possible to set horizzontal scrolling only for the home?

Hi @cristian,

As the horizontal scrolling is achieved by applying a class, I’m pretty sure that you can have your other pages scrolling “normally” by simply NOT applying that class.

Perhaps someone more expert than me (@PeteSharp, perhaps?) could confirm this?

Hi Hawkeye, thanks for your response. I think who is a little more complex, because the added class is part of the base code classes. and therefore I don’t know if it is possible to apply it to one page rather than another. Anyone have any ideas?

Hi @Hawkeye, Horizontal scroll without any fancy styling 100% made with Blocs! :upside_down_face:



Hi @Jerry, video doen’t work

Hi @cristian, Videos will always be live for a short period until any new requests arise.
Here you go:

Thank you @jerry. How can replicate?

Hi @cristian, here’s a good start which I used:

Hi All,
Have experimented a little with this, but have got stuck with setting up some kind of navigation, as I can’t seem to get “scroll to target” to take me to the next bloc.
Any ideas how I can, by menu or otherwise, navigate smoothly from bloc to bloc? @Jerry, anyone?
All help appreciated!

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Hello expert!

This is my first time comment on the Forum. I’m a beginner of Blocs.
Blocs isn’t famous in Japan, …

I really use ScrollTrigger on Blocs. But when I coding on the code widget, it’s not working due to script class building.

If anyone knows how to include ScrollTrigger on Blocs, please let me how to do that…

Thanks for all expert.


Welcome to the forum @Dragon_fish

It’s going to be hard for anyone to assist blindly. You would need to explain your setup and usage in greater detail and express better what issues you are facing.

Preferably including possible things such as a sample blocs file demonstrating the issue, screenshots, live url example, etc., along with a more detailed description of the situation and issues that you are facing. At that point someone may be able to help you with things.