How to create a button that downloads a PDF file

Allowreferrer just lets you choose whether someone else’s domain can link to your files. If you don’t care, leave it blank. If you don’t want to fuss with a log, set log_downloads to false.

I’ve tried 20 different ways but I do not get it to work. It remains for me very unclear. I give up and leaving this thread for now. Thanks for trying to help me.

Hello all, I ended up using an HTML widget and inserting this code which worked. I really needed the file to automatically download rather then load in a separate browser window:

a href=“img/russel-sean-fitness-class-schedule.pdf” download=“russel-sean-fitness-class-schedule.pdf” class=“btn btn-lg btn-wire btn-sq wire-btn-black bloc-button” target="_blank" data-page=“1”>DOWNLOAD SCHEDULE (PDF)

I asked this a couple weeks ago and no one answered, so I emailed customer support. This is the email I got from Norman today:

Hi Stacie,

Thanks for your email.

You have two options here.

  1. Make an image look like a button then apply a Lightbox.

  2. Host the file on your server and then use a URL interaction to link to it and open it in a new window. If its a PDF the browser will show it in the browser frame.

I am working on a download file interaction that is coming later in the year.

Kind regards,

Norman Sheeran

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I used the button option at the bottom of my home page.


:warning: Keep in mind that using “a href” in conjunction with the newer Download Attribute” is still not completely supported across browsers or versions. So even though it’s easy to implement, if you desire to use this, you will need an alternative method to support various users across browsers for which it will fail to work.

Hi Guys. I am sure this is resolved but if not for some, the quickest way has been explained but got lost in all the replies.

Create an empty folder on your desktop. Name it downloads. Put this in your public html folders via your ftp or whatever you use to put files on your site with. Then put your items, such as PDF etc in that folder. once you do this, now select type, download file, on the bloc work page, then drag the file you want people to download - I use zip files - now also on your bloc page, edit the name to what ever you want with along with the style of download link etc. Then export your project, update the CSS and your file will instantly download when people click on it.

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How did you create the link… find the url/pathway?
If the dropbox file is user/password protected, does it prompt in Blocs for access?