Iconic Gallery Bric - Version 1.2.0 Update

Version 1.0 released via extension manager updates including:

  • iCloud photo album integration
  • Image protection
  • Better repository integration

Have fun :sunglasses:


Brilliant - nice update :grinning:

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Whoop Whoop! Great update @Jannis


Hi everyone,

I am currently running a summer sale: use code SUMMERSALE23 for a 20% discount on all Brics and Stacks, valid until end of July.

Also valid for Volt CMS and Repository Manager.

Cheers :beers:


Are you saying this is now available and the preview is working?

Because several users asked, I extended the validity: Use code SUMMERSALE23 for a 20% discount on all Brics and Stacks , valid until end of August.

Also valid for Volt CMS and Repository Manager.


Hi @Jannis just bought iconic gallery. And tried my first gallery. Strangely, it worked the first time with justify layout, then I changed to single and no more pictures display. Then back to justifiy… nothing.

I see the _gallery folder and inside my root folder with pictures and _thumb is also there. On the page source I can see the code:

<div class="iconic-gallery" data-iconic-source="folder" data-iconic-root="/_gallery/" data-iconic-path="installation" data-iconic-sort="ascending" data-iconic-layout="justified" data-iconic-height="300" data-iconic-gutter="10" data-iconic-columns="2,3,4,5" data-iconic-captions="0" data-iconic-lightbox="photoswipe" data-iconic-lightbox-bgcolor="dark" data-iconic-lightbox-captions="0" data-iconic-carousel-interval="5" data-iconic-protect="0"></div>

Any idea what’s going wrong ? It’s a test folder with 17 images, not a big deal.
And the URL is https://florence.128k.ch/photos-and-videos.php

As you can see, I switched to php type to see if it change but no way.

I post here in case someone else could help :grimacing:

Hi @svimic
It seems that Blocs doesn’t include the JS library files correctly. Please remove the Bric from the page and re-add it. You have to redo the config then also.

Thanks @Jannis. It did work after removing et re-adding the bric.

Nevertheless, in the creation of thumbs, some are upside down, many display as landscape instead of portrait. I don’t understand why.

I have pictures coming from different sources, that’s different camera and OS. If I download thumbs, manually rotate them and upload again, it’s fine. I did that, except for one to show you here. Scroll all the way down to bottom of page and you’ll see the picture.

There is no way to know before upload which one will be wrong because in the Finder they all displays correctly as well as in the Lightbox.

Any idea ? Thanks.

Yes, the problem lies inside these. Each camera is taking landscape and portrait photos differently. And the display in Finder or browser might differ from that. This is a general issue with landscape and portrait photography.

You have to identify which camera is creating the photos in the wrong way and manually fix this.

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And me thinking palm trees grow horizontally… :man_facepalming: :camera:

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Ah I see now. I’ll try to create the thumbnails and keep the metadata intact. Currently, the metadata is stripped. Let me check.

Then @Jerry your palms will look correct again also :joy::desert_island:

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Please send me one of the photos which has this problem in original by email for testing purposes.

Done, thanks.

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Hi. I have an issue with the sorting order of the displayed images using the Iconic Gallery Bric. Regardless of setting it to Ascending or Descending, it always uses oldest-picture-first on the published webpage.

Would I have to change my photo file names? Currently they are named:

I did delete the whole directory content on the server, and uploaded the new exported Bloc files after changing the sorting order. No change.

The PHP version on the server is 8.2.16.

Any hints what I could do in order to get photo sequence displayed in newest photos first order?

(New to Blocs, sorry if I missed something obvious)

I suggest using the file name as sorting.

We suggest a file name with leading sorting index inspired by the atom date time format like YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS_NAME, for example 2022-12-28T21-06-15_Name of the photo.jpg

Suggest meaning “must use it”? Isn´t there a more user-friendly shorter system of (re)naming in order to achieve a sorted-as-intended view?

Modying 2024-03-10-01.jpg (with 01 being the index number of the photo) to 2024-03-10T01 did not change the behaviour. I do not need a file name attached, nor the exact time. This only means additional renaming work for every new photo (of which there will be a quite a few over the time of year). A simple naming convention would save quite a bit of effort.

The simple renaming to 001.jpg 002.jpg did also not achieve the descending order view, unfortunately.

I intended to have a separate Iconic Gallery Bric for every month of the year, which therefore jump to a designed /month directoy on the server to fetch the images. Hence, 12 IG Brics for one year, growing over time.

Sorting files file system based on the creation / modification date is not reliable. You even might not have a date for “photo taken with the camera”, but only a date when the file was created on the Linux file system on the FTP server. Using the file name as sorting criteria is the only reliable way.

Then use something like PHOTO_0001.jpg. It does not have to be the date.

Thank you Jannis. I just found out it was not my used naming convention, afterall. When I switched from “Carousel” to “Flexbox Square”, the descending viewing order worked right away. Switching back from “Flexbox Square” to “Carousel” did not do the trick, though. It displayed the pictures in ascending order again. Strange.

that looks absolutely amazing!!! I will add it to my birthday / Santa Claus-wishlist!!