Iconic Gallery Bric - Version 1.2.0 Update

Rebuilding it for Blocs 3 currently!


I would also buy this!

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made in Germany, yea!


Any news here? :slight_smile:


Just wondering if this is still “in the works” – or dead?

I decided to create Volt CMS first. Btw also with a nice Gallery option.

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Hey @Jannis Jannis, Good to see you on here. I’m in the process of moving over from Rapidweaver and the one thing that I miss more than anything is ‘Gallery 3’. It’s my absolute favourite stack I ever bought as it’s just so amazing at creating beautiful galleries. I’m going to have to compromise big time when converting my sites as it doesn’t yet exist for Blocs. Can I ask when you’re going to get back to writing it? I’m sure you’d sell plenty of copies as there’s nothing like it yet. I have money sitting here reserved for it the minute it lands!! Please don’t put it off too long :slight_smile: :pray: :pray: :pray:


Hi everyone,

just 4.5 years later, I am pleased to announce that the Iconic Gallery Bric is finally in beta testing :wink:

Some highlights:

  • Just upload images in a server side folder with an FTP application or Repository Manager, and these images will dynamically picked up by the bric.
  • Automatic server side thumbnail generation, so just upload the main images, a smaller thumbnail will be created for you for faster grid display.
  • Choose from different grids, sliders and lightboxes.
  • JPEG and WEBP is supported, as also Bootstrap 4 and 5.
  • Possibility to preview galleries (with the images stored server side) inside local Blocs preview mode.

There are some things which I would like to add before a general release, so please be patient until end of this year (2022 :stuck_out_tongue:)


This is the Bric I have always wanted!!!

Can’t wait for a release!! Very nice Jannis!!

Rich the Weather Guy

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VOLT CMS is great, and so is the new gallery.


Must say, that’s looking very good indeed. Great stuff @Jannis

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Hey Jannis,
that looks absolutely amazing!!! I will add it to my birthday / Santa Claus-wishlist!!


Hmmm … nice! Is this available for purchase?

Looks great and very snappy :grinning:
If we add or remove images from the folder, does the gallery updates ?


Exactly :+1:

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I need this so badly!!


You said it Al!


Rich the Weather Guy


Looks amazing @Jannis - can’t wait !

I take to the demo of the bootstrap carousel at the bottom is showing how it looks when loading with images from Repository Manager?

Also if a client loads a high res image into a gallery, I take it this bric wont have the ability to make the images not so big or would the user need to size and edit it to make them smaller?

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How you’re going to upload images (FTP application, Repository Manager) doesn’t matter.

The bric will come with different settings, for example height of the images inside the rows or in the carousel.

The bric will only generate thumbnails from the main images. You’re of course also able to use your own thumbnails if you like.

Repository Manager has the availability to change the size of the images during the upload.
In addition, you’re also able to generate thumbnails right inside Repository Manager.

So plenty of options therefore :+1:


Jannis, you keep mentioning “Repository Manager” and while I have taken a peek, the “online demo” doesn’t really show me much. Perhaps you can beef this demo up a bit for those of us who are not as well versed in this type of tool?


Rich the Weather Guy

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