Missing default placeholder images

In Blocs 4 all the default placeholder images and patterns from the asset manager (still working in Blocs 3) are now missing. Where are they gone?

I believe this question was asked earlier and gather they have been removed.

They are still in the Blocs.app package! I think it’s a pity that you can no longer use them, they were really valuable to try something quickly!

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I do agree - they were useful for trying things quickly to play around with layouts etc.
But I will create a small file now on my desk top with many images in and drag them in when I want to play around with something.

I also agree, to have some basic assets there, specially when you new and want to test, its nice to have some simple pictures there to get an idea, @Norm maybe some NEW assets compare to the one Blocs is using for a long time :slight_smile:

Allow me to suggest a solution that will make your workflows a good deal easier and considerably faster. If you have not done so already create a draft project with as many settings and text etc in place as possible. This will inevitably evolve over time and improve, however it will also save you many hours on each new website and cut down on errors.

While you are doing this, simply add a few images inside a folder that can be called on for purposes like this. They could even be stored remotely on the server should you wish, so they don’t take up space on your hard drive.

In practice you start every website working with this project file, then save it with the new project name and continue working from that. The default images will still be there and they will all be ones that you chose.


Yes, but they will be removed completely in Blocs soon. So they are included for those opening Blocs v3 projects.

The plan is to add an option that lets users add there own default images that show in every project.