Offcanvas Helper Extension - Naming competition - WON!

Boy, you must REALLY need a free bric!!! :grin: :laughing: :smile:

Rich the Weather Guy


I might have to shortlist and add a poll.

Im not sure the poll should be binding thoughā€¦ ā€œRich the Weather Guyā€ might be a bad name for the extension :rofl: :rofl:


I like that name!!! :grin: :laughing:


Rich the Weather Guy


Some good suggestions guys. Not too late to add your suggestion. Iā€™ll shortlist and then pick a winner on Monday (NZDT).

I have more ā€œlikesā€ than Flashman!!! (If you add them up) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Rich the Weather Guy

Only because you cheated by quoting a list of my suggestions. That should mean automatic disqualification!

@WeatherguyNH It seems you might be experiencing sunstroke, my friend. :sunglasses::sun_with_face::sunny: You offered 12 name suggestions and received a total of 5 likes, which equates to 0.41 likes per name.

I, on the other hand, proposed a single name and gained a whopping two likes :+1: :+1:! As it stands, Iā€™m currently in the lead. @PeteSharp, let me know when and where to collect the prize :joy:.

I think I need to see the official rule book on thatā€¦ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Rich the Weather Guy

Well Jerry, since you are a ā€œLegendā€ I guess you get a vote for that.

Rich the Weather Guy

The moderators write those as required.

@Norm started something here :sweat_smile:

A moderatorā€™s trustworthiness may be questionable as rules may be created to benefit them as needed :sunglasses:.

That may be a fair point.

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coughs Excuse me? Not that I wouldnā€™t be able to purchase the Bric, should I have need for it. :wink:

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Iā€™m happy to share the extension @pumpkin 6 months on and off should work :joy:.

Hi all,

So I had my wife read this thread and pick a winning name.

And the winner is.....

Congrats :partying_face: :partying_face: @RME, you suggested ā€œNavigation Plusā€ and we are going with NavPlus. We will send you a free copy of the bric as soon as itā€™s ready for prime time. And a copy of Offcanvas Helper if you need it.

Ralf, I hope we will see some fantastic templates making use of Offcanvas Helper (Bric not included :grin:)

And as a thank you, to those who suggested names, we will also send you a discount code on release.

@WeatherguyNH @nelo @Boss81 @brechtryckaert @Bootsie @Flashman @Jerry @pumpkin

No pressure to get this finished now :sweat_smile:. Although as you can see in the video above, itā€™s working pretty sweet.



Oh, so my little :gift: gift package :gift: full of :chocolate_bar:chocolates and fancy :bouquet:perfumes :bouquet: for your better half didnā€™t quite have the magic touch I thought it would! :sweat_smile:

But hey, donā€™t worry! Iā€™ve got an :elephant:elephantā€™s memory :elephant:ā€¦ I wonā€™t forget! :wink:


I was a little disappointed she didnā€™t choose


By the way @Jerry, your wife is looking for her flowers that were in the garden :rofl:



Great, thanks, Iā€™m looking forward to it :wink:

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Guess my suggestion wasnā€™t clearly seen as a suggestion :wink:

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@pumpkin I see you edited it to make it more clear it was. :grin: thanks, Iā€™ll add you for the discount.

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