Sliding Contact Nav - is there a possibility

Hello all,

first of all many thanks for the great software. So it was possible for me to build a website for my wife’s law firm in a relatively short time.

However, there is one single issue that gives me no peace: I would like to include a Sliding Contact Bar (it may be that it is actually called something else). Unfortunately, I can’t find a way to do this in Blocs and wanted to ask if anyone could give me a hint on how to make this happen after all.

As an example attached a website on which this is built.

Meant is the eMail, phone number and address on the right side which unfolds on mouseover.

Thanks upfront for your help.


Hi Jacob,

Here is a quick mock up, how I would do it. (No support sorry)

Popout_Example.bloc (28.2 KB)

Obviously needs some refining, and you would want to animate the box height changing for multi-line but it should get you started.

Built this way, it’s easy to edit in Blocs. Just a little bit of CSS in the code editor to make it work.


That worked perfectly after small refining. I am so grateful. Thanks a lot for your help. If that would be a bric, I would by it.


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