Volt Blog stop working

I have a strange problem with the Volt Blog, I already searched the forum and couldn’t find a solution. At some point, editing posts on the blog stopped working. There was still an opportunity to add a post with a title and description, but the lower fields disappeared and it became impossible to fill them. Editing of the old ones is still available, but the changes made cannot be saved. Everything is done strictly according to the instructions and the “Clean Page URL’s” checkbox is checked. Already tried to reinstall blocs, tried to create a fresh project in blocs 4.5 and blocs 5, everything is the same. Tried on another computer, same thing. Everything else works as before. Please, help. MacBook Pro M1 Ventura.

Hi, please send me in a direct message or email

  • link to login
  • username and password
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sent you an email

Bottom line: only add one blog editor modal bloc to the page, not two :wink:


Thanks for your help Jannis!
And one more thing. In addition to the fact that two bolg editors do not work on the same page at the same time (which is completely unnecessary), two blocks of recent posts also do not work when they are on the same page. Well, they work, but they always duplicate each other, no matter what settings are set. And if I want to make one block on the page display posts with category = nature, and in the other with category = animals and put different values in the Query field, then only category = nature will be displayed in both blocks. At least that’s what happens to me. Or maybe I missed something again?

Thanks, I’ll check.

Thanks. I found the issue, which will be resolved in the next update.

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Fixed in Volt CMS Core 1.9.1.