2 days work, and away it goes…

“Or less scammy… Sunshine included with subscription :grin:

If I could offer those, I would NOT be programming a website…I’d be sitting in my pool on my island :desert_island: sipping a my tai with an umbrella in it, handed to me by a butler.

Rich the Weather Guy

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Here you go. The hard work is done. Just fill in the requests :sunglasses:


I don’t know whether “zapping the Pram” (restarting while holding down Cmd Alt P and R) still works on modern Macs but it may be worth a try.

I’ll work on that Jerry. Maybe you could create a Bric for me?
Them maybe some science so I can actual make it happen.

Let me know when those two things are completed. :thinking:

Rich the Weather Guy

Personally, I never found that zapping the P-Ram helped anything. I’ve done it…bunch of times, but I don’t ever recall it fixing anything.
Perhaps it was me…

Rich the Weather Guy

Just reporting back.
5 hrs into today and no crashes as yet. All good so far.

Thanks for the hints and tips all (and the good weather today, Rich :white_check_mark: )

We do have them every so often…just not often enough. Glad we could help. :smiling_face:

Well looks like you took away our sunny weather Rich. Thanks mate :joy::joy:

I’m waiting for the cash Pete! :moneybag:
Then I will turn the sun back on.

Rich the Weather Guy

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You can only do that once the children go back to school. Can’t have the little b***** enjoying themselves in sunshine. They need to be cooped up in classrooms for it to be sunny outside. (That’s the story of the UK summer anyway.)

On Mac maintenance does anyone else use the free Onyx from titanium.software.fr?

I’ve used it for several years and found it very good. You do, though, need to use the version for your particular Mac OS.

Rich, I thought I got a complimentary subscription. I guess it was valid until you changed your plan :rofl: Sunshine was so popular it is now an extra. :sun_with_face: :sunflower: :dollar: :dollar:

@Chiefsub68 I have been an Onyx user since MacOS Tiger (07). Although I haven’t run the app probably since last year. I think it was really handy with earlier version of MacOS, but less needed these days. (Well in my experience)


FREE sunshine :sun_with_face: :sunny:!

Click here to buy… :sunglasses:

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Yes Pete, you are on the lifetime plan. Anyone who who can answer questions on this forum deserves that!
You too Jerry, so both of you head out poolside for a Martini. :cocktail:

Rich the Weather Guy

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I used Onyx for a bit, then switched to Cocktail. Not sure why, I can’t recall?

Rich the Weather Guy

Just to update this thread, and it may be of use to someone.

I think a lot of my problems were being caused by using an SVG image for the navigation logo.

After about 30 minutes or so of working, I would suddenly see a HUUUUGE version of the logo explode across the ‘canvas’. Sometimes losing the content of the page, sometimes not (I quickly learned NOT to save when this happened).

I swapped out for a png and all seems fine since then.

I had something similar to that some months back with an SVG, which was reported at the time as a bug and I seem to recall it was some bug with the order of classes in the class manager that Norm fixed. Maybe it is back.

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Hi @Flashman,
My problem is I’m never sure if it’s a bug or I’ve done something really stupid - so I stay quiet.

Frankly I couldn’t make sense of it when it happened to me either. From memory Norm discovered something that was mutating the style.css, but then put in a fix to avoid the likelihood of it happening again.