A very simple, working Dark mode πŸŒ‘ . Watch the video

Hi All! :slightly_smiling_face:

A dear friend of mine wants a dark mode for his website.

Since there is no such bric, and the blocs do not know this, or not in this form, I thought I would make one.
It takes approximately 1-2 minutes to completely create the site from scratch.
It also works with @Eldar templates and Minimalist Library blocks.

How do you like it?


Another great work from you! You should definitely put together a few custom brics for these (advanced form, dark mode, etc)

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Hi @Eldar !

Thanks for the kind words, I’ll see what I can do if I succeed. :pleading_face:

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Great Bric!

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Thank you. I’m already working on the refinement, and then I’ll try to make it in bric form as well

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Rich the Weather Guy

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@Boss81 this is great! :raised_hands:

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Thank you @Helen @WeatherguyNH :slightly_smiling_face:



Absolutely awesome!!

Update :wink:

The brick can be used in seconds, watch the video.
Do you think there should be a final edition available to everyone?


Great work @Boss81 :clap: :clap: :clap:

Look amazing and simple …

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Hi @AnasHyeee

Thanks, I’ll work on it a bit more to make it better :slightly_smiling_face:

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We believe in you; you are doing a great job :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Thank you, but I’m very new to brick development, so I don’t want to rush :slightly_smiling_face:

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Take your time :+1:
@Boss81 i have some questions;

If have button flat blue color and hover dark blue. how tool will work?

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I will take pictures or a video of it tomorrow and send it…

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Hi All! Dark Mode Update!

Dark Mode has been fixed!

It has been integrated with the built-in dark and light mode of Blocs, but here you can switch between the modes yourself.
Furthermore, you can easily change the background and font colors in each mode.

What do you think about it?


Nice work! :smiley: When will you release it?



I’m doing the last little tweaks and I’ll make it available as soon as I can, hopefully this month. :wink: