About convert to WordPress

Is there a solid guide that includes steps to convert a site made with “Blocs” to WordPress?

I am working on this as I write this. If everything goes according to plan, I will publish it later this month.


There was a recent thread regarding this topic and multiple options regarding tutorials for
Blocs + WordPress appear to be in the making. :smile:


Converting a fully built site to WordPress will be challenging. Blocs Plus lets user build Wordpress themes (which are structured and operate very differently to a static website). You may actually find it easier to build a Wordpress theme from scratch, rather than to migrate a fully built out web site to WordPress.

If you need a CMS, you may find Volt CMS is a better match, it’s likely that will just slot into your current site design.

Either way you have options, if you are adamant you would like to use WordPress, I would suggest creating a new project and build a basic theme to get a better understanding of how it all works, then gradually build that new theme out to replace your current site.

We do have a free video course that covers the core basics of building for WordPress, most of it is still inline with the Blocs V5 interface.

But as others have said, there is also more third party content on the way, so again you have choices.


I see, so things don’t go as smoothly and conveniently as we hope, right? There seem to be some good points about HTML sites as well, and taking the time to build it seems like a solid approach. Thank you all for your advice.

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