Accordian Bric

Thanks for sharing! I am sure it will be helpful to many people!

You’re welcome @Eldar! The truth is that I feel personally very pleased to be able to help you move forward, even from a distance … you never know, maybe one day we can give a lecture of Blocs App (In Spanish to be able to be :smiley: ) in Madrid, for the world! :earth_africa:

As far as I can help, it will be a pleasure.

That sounds great! I am traveling a lot because of my regular business, and I have a dream to host offline seminars/workshops for potential Blocs users while I am visiting different countries. I really like to connect with Blocs users in real life, and it would be amazing to do that on a bigger scale.


Well, you know that I do not speak English and that I’m always in touch with the translator … but come on, when you’re in Madrid, you’re invited. I also dream of crossing the pond one day. :airplane:

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Deleting the 1st card in an Accordion is something I do perpetually because I almost NEVER want anything in the accordion to be opened by default. However, I have very large existing According where the 1st card is deleted, but I want the 1st tab to be opened by default. I cannot undelete the 1st card, as that was deleted by me long ago. And simply adding a new tab and naming it Header1 in all the right places does not cause it to be opened by default either.

Simply put, once we delete the 1st card, how do we restore that open-by-default functionality should we change our mind in the future?


Hey @JDW
Add a class called show to the content div. Thats all there is to it!

(that’s the div container that the card-body is nested in).

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Beautiful solution! Thank you!