When I open pretty much any other app on my Mac, be that TextEdit, BBedit, Panic Transmit, Skype, MS Outlook, Safari (the list is very long), and when I click the Help menu, a Search field always appears at the top. That search field is incredibly convenient for me to type the name of a command I have sort of forgotten. While I am typing that command name in the search field, a list of menu commands will quickly appear below. If I then mousedown over one of the commands shown, it shows me precisely where that command is located inside the menus. So helpful! I’ve relying on that app feature for years, and I really would benefit a lot from having it in Blocs too.
Please add a SEARCH FIELD inside the Help menu in a future version of Blocs.
Then it must be a macOS thing because I am running Monterey, and I assure you, the SEARCH FIELD is missing…
But regardless of my macOS version, like I said in my opening post, I am seeing the Search Field in the Help menu of pretty much every other app besides Blocs. So it’s not that Monterey cannot display it.
Like you I was a refugee from Freeway 7. This was back in 2016, so probably on Sierra. Now on Sonoma. In all the versions of Blocs and Mac OS I have been heavily reliant on that search field. For me it works exactly as you wish it would. Have you only just become aware it has gone AWOL in the Blocs app ? I await comment from others to confirm that it has been a fixture of Blocs since at least 2016 and if so then you have some other stones to turn over.
Just checked, I see the | Search Field | on all the following versions of Blocs App.
Blocs 1.6.3
Blocs 2.6.5
Blocs 3.5.8
Blocs 4.5.5
Blocs 5.2.8 never noticed it was missing
Blocs 6.0.1
Your macOS Monterey is supported by Blocs, so it can’t just be down to the macOS as most of the above installs are not officially supported where they are installed.
I only run US because I want my menus to be in English. Of course, I can easily switch on Japanese input mode by pressing CMD-Spacebar. I also have an input menu in the menubar too:
You move 日本語 to the top to make it Primary, which I only now just did for the purpose of making that screenshot and testing. When you move it to the top, your menus switch to Japanese, although you need to restart open apps. Restarting Blocs 6.0.2 like that shows this HELP menu: